属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-古生物学 不是扁平足而是八字足
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-家庭娱乐 Netflix这回弄巧成拙了
1 | ||1:进化停止在生物分类法(如纲,目和科的分类)的林奈分类体系中的高级别生物里比较常见。||2:当自然选择挑中了一个理想的设计后,一个接一个的物种便以略微不同的形式采纳这种设计。||3:举个例子,海龟的甲状躯壳约在2亿5千万年前至2亿年前就已经进化完成,相比之下蝎子的身体构制更是在4亿多年内都未有大的变化。||4:然而,这并不意味着一位动物学家可以将一只2亿年前的海龟或是一只4亿年前的蝎子与现在对应的活体物种混为一谈。 | ||1:Evolutionary stasis is fairly common at the higher levels of the Linnaean system of biological classification (class, order and family).||2:Natural selection hits on a good design.That design is then adopted in slightly different forms by species after species.||3:The shelled bodies of turtles, for example, evolved between 250m and 200m years ago, while the body plans of scorpions have been around for more than 400m years.||4:That does not mean, however, that a zoologist would mistake a 200m-year-old turtle or a 400m-year-old scorpion for any species now alive. | |
2 | ||1:在9月18日,Hastings先生解释说到他害怕公司会像还在提供拨号上网业务的美国在线服务公司那样被日新月异的科技变化抛在背后,之所以要把DVD光碟业务从流媒体业务中分离出来是因为这项业务的未来存在于流媒体技术之中。||2:他说到,邮递租借DVD光碟业务将会被移至一个新的网站,拥有新的支付系统,并被重新命名为Qwikster。||3:这真是一个怪名字(不管美国邮政系统该叫什么,都不会叫"qwik")和一个大错误。||4:在本文交付印刷之时,Netflix的股票成交价大概在130美元左右——与他们在7月份299美元封顶的价格相比下了一个大滑坡。 | ||1:On September 18th Mr Hastings explained that the company feared being left behind by technological change, like AOL with its dial-up service.||2:It was separating DVDs from streaming because its future lies in streaming.||3:The DVD-by-post service, he said, would move to a new website, with a new billing system, and be renamed Qwikster.||4:It’s an odd name (whatever else the US Postal Service is, it isn’t qwik) and a big mistake. | |
3 | ||1:在林耐生物分类(类,属和门)系统的高等类别中进化停滞现象是相当普遍的。||2:自然选择的图案都是最好的。||3:然后,这种图案就被一个接一个的物种以略有不同的形式所采纳。||4:例如,海龟的壳体是在2.5~2.0亿年前进化的,而蝎子的体型方案已超过4亿年的历史。||5:然而这并不意味着一个动物学家会弄错2亿岁的海龟或是4亿岁的蝎子属于现在存活的何种物种。 | ||1:Evolutionary stasis is fairly common at the higher levels of the Linnaean system of biological classification (class, order and family).||2:Natural selection hits on a good design.||3:That design is then adopted in slightly different forms by species after species.||4:The shelled bodies of turtles, for example, evolved between 250m and 200m years ago, while the body plans of scorpions have been around for more than 400m years.||5:That does not mean, however, that a zoologist would mistake a 200m-year-old turtle or a 400m-year-old scorpion for any species now alive. | |
4 | 二十一岁的亚瑟终日劳作于诺丁汉Raleigh自行车厂的倒棱和钻孔车床间,每天可生产1400个零件(“45先令可不大好挣”)。而在斯特雷利伍兹,他又过着与有夫之妇布伦达(“如此性感深情”)私通的浪荡生活。“时间真是过得飞快,”亚瑟叹道 | Twenty-one-year-old Arthur, between chamfering and drilling to produce 1,400 parts a day at the Raleigh bicycle factory in Nottingham (“Forty-five bob don’t grow on trees”), led a life of rampant cuckoldry with Brenda (“so lush and loving”) in Strelley Woods. “Time flies and no mistake,” sighed Arthur, | |
5 | 广告商的做法大错特错,他推测:亚洲裔美国人的家庭收入中值比非西班牙裔白人还高10,000美元。 | This is a mistake, he reckons: the median household income of Asian-Americans is some $10,000 higher than that of non-Hispanic whites. | |
6 | “我们感到一直有压力使我们绝对不能犯错误,并不断的向团队证明我们的价值。” | "We feel the constant pressure to never make a mistake , and to continually prove our value to the organization. " | |
7 | “许多公司太担心犯错,不愿意去冒险。” | "So many businesses just get so worried about looking like they might make a mistake that they get afraid to take any risks. " | |
8 | Michael声称,他并不是请求她去伤害任何人或偷取任何东西,只是求她犯个小错。 | Michael contends that he is not asking her to hurt anyone or steal anything, he is simply asking her to make a mistake . | |
9 | 不幸的是,在最后这几个步骤中太容易犯错了。 | Unfortunately, it is all too easy to make a mistake in these final steps. | |
10 | 不要对自己太过认真。如果你犯了错那又怎样? | Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously: So what if you make a mistake ? | |
11 | 错误无论大小,珍惜它们如同它们是世界上最宝贵的东西。因为在某种程度上它们的确如此。 | When you make a mistake , big or small, cherish it like it’s the most precious thing in the world. Because in some ways, it is. | |
12 | 但是难免有人会出错,那么他们则不得不重新开始。 | But inevitably someone would make a mistake and they’d have to start over. | |
13 | 但是如果你犯了错误不要慌张,不要轻易去判断是谁干的。 | But if you make a mistake , do not worry. And do not judge too quickly if someone else makes a small mistake. | |
14 | 但是在人们犯错误时贵公司会怎么处理呢? | But what happens here when people make a mistake ? | |
15 | 当你犯错时,不要总放在心上。记住犯错的原因,然后向前看。 | When you make a mistake , don’t look back at it long. Take the reason of the thing into your mind, and then look forward. | |
16 | 当你犯错误时,从错误中总结经验并嘲笑自己。 | And when you make a mistake , learn the lesson in that mistake and laugh at yourself. | |
17 | 当你犯错误时,应该为得到的教训心存感激。 | When you make a mistake , be grateful for the things it taught you. | |
18 | 当我犯了错误的时候我不会道歉 | I won’t apologize when I make a mistake | |
19 | 当在全班同学面前说话或者当在听众们面前犯了错而受到嘲笑时,很多人都会感到十分紧张。 | Lots of people stress out about talking in front of the class or getting laughed at if they make a mistake in front of an audience. | |
20 | 当在团体中的时候,如果出了什麽错,总是会有人可以帮我掩护。 | Jin: In a group, if I make a mistake , someone can cover it up for me. | |
21 | 犯错是由于无知,但是重复犯错就是愚蠢了。 | It is ignorant to make a mistake ; but it is stupid to repeat a mistake. | |
22 | 犯了错误就要改正错误,别任由伊拉克自生自灭。 | When you make a mistake you need to correct a mistake, not leave Iraq to its death. | |
23 | 合伙人是不是选错了? | Did I make a mistake picking my co-founder? | |
24 | 既然这很容易犯错,干脆就不这样做好了。 | Since it’s easy to make a mistake , just don’t do it. | |
25 | 就算您相信网络中的每个人都是值得信任的,那么也能够相信他们永远不犯错误吗? | Even assuming you believe that every person on your network is trustworthy, can you also assume they never make a mistake ? | |
26 | 面试中你肯定会犯这样那样的错误。 | You’re bound to make a mistake here and there during an interview. | |
27 | 然而,如果出现了错误,将显示发送到标准错误的错误消息。 | However, if you make a mistake , error messages, which are emitted to standard error, are displayed. | |
28 | 人人都会犯错。 | To make a mistake is human. | |
29 | 如果进行手动操作,则在构建插件的过程中很可能犯下错误或忘记执行该操作。 | If left a manual process, it would be easy to make a mistake or forget to do it in the course of building your plug-in. | |
30 | 如果你犯了错,承认就好了,忍住伤痛,然后我们继续进行 | If you make a mistake , just fess up to it. Take your licks and we’ |